Sunday 14 August 2011

A ghost story

This story I had experiencing by my self. This was happen when I in part 2. I still remember, how I handle it even I felt afraid. One night I just go to sleep like usual. At my bedroom at campus, my room did not switch off the lights. I just left one lights switch on.

This paranormal activity happens on 4 am. Suddenly, I wake up and I heard dog barks near my college. At first, I did not felt nothing strange. The dog still barks around 5 minutes. After that I heard a women crying. That time I feel my body sweating. I try to sleep but it does not work. At that morning after I woke up, I asked my roomates are they heard what I heard. Then they replies no.

At cafe, I tell my friends what I heard. Then one of my friends heard the baby crying. We all felt so scary. I just no to think about what happen to us. Because I felt worried if we just think about that we cannot forget about what happens.

The second story are, I still remember that time is 2 am. My best friend call me because her birthday. That time my rooms only have 2 people. My roomates already slept that time. I enjoyed gossiping with my best friend. Suddenly my best friend told me she heard my roomates laughing at the back. I was so shocked because my roomates already slept that time. My best friend was so scary and she ask me did not hung up the phone. We slept without hung up the phone.

This paranormal activity might happen at my campus. In my opinion, when we are not at our own place please take a good attitude and the most important things are positive thinking.

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